Doctoral students of the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) were invited to the CIMC Auditorium of Long Bin Building to attend a simulated interview event on April 29. According to the event organizer Graduate Education Office, the Simulated Teaching Job Interview event is part of the efforts by the JI Future Faculty Club aiming at improving the students’ understanding of interviewers’ expectation and performance in their future interviews for university faculty jobs.

JI postdoc Xinyan Zhao,  doctoral students Miao Huo and Han Wei played roles of jobseekers on stage who were interviewed by a panel of three JI associate professors including Mian Li, Wenjie Wan and Hua Bao.  The interviews were hosted by Associate Professor Chong Han.

After displaying and explaining their research work and achievements, the three job candidates took questions and feedback from the the interview panelists.  Professors offered insightful comments and advices which were regarded “highly helpful” by the students.

Group photo of event attendees

The JI Future Faculty Club was established in December 2020. The organization serves to integrateJI faculty, alumni, teaching and research resources, and set up open exchange and professional learning platforms, in a bid to help and encourage the growth of graduate students who are interested in pursuing career paths in academic institutions.