The reputable American financial media Forbes recently released the 2017 list of “Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia.” The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute’s (UM-SJTU JI) alumnus Shaolong Sui (Class of 2011) is one of the honorees. The list...
Professor Mian Li selected as one of SJTU KoGuan Top Ten Teachers
Li worked hard for JI’s ABET accreditation. He contributes to JI’s laboratory and network system construction. He is a co-instructor of JI’s smart car racing team, and he has led JI student volunteers to teach in remote Yunnan villages.
Professor David Hung appointed as Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
He shares the responsibility to review submitted papers in the area of internal combustion engines.
Horst Hohberger : JI’s teacher of the decade
As JI celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, talented Horst Hohberger is also marking his decade of transforming JI students while witnessing JI’s growth.
The launch ceremony of JI Alumni Association cum forum on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership commemorate JI’s tenth anniversary
The event attracted JI alumni, entrepreneurs, corporate representatives, current students and parents.
JI hosts workshop on big data platform and data analysis applications
On March 22, JI Industrial Big Data Club and National Instruments (NI) co-sponsored a workshop on NIInsight big data Platform and data analysis applications at the Joint Institute.
JI-UM alumni meeting sparks ideas on venture investment
A meeting to connect the University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) Alumni Entrepreneurship Club with Shanghai alumni of the UM Ross School of Business was held at SJTU Xuhui Campus on January 16, 2016. More than seventy alumni,...
JI Industrial Big Data Club launched for engineering training
The University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Industrial (UM-SJTU JI) Big Data Club was established on October 24. The launch ceremony was held at the Yu Liming Student Center, attended by Professor Jay Lee of University of Cincinnati, a SJTU...
Lin Haozhou: Question every choice
Born in 1988, Haozhou caught the first train to JI as the Joint Institute was established in 2006, tooting the 2+2 program, upon his graduating from high school. Following his heart, Haozhou chose JI without hesitation and thereby started his life journey.
JI project wins support from China’s National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program)
The project led by Assistant Professor Jigang Wu, in collaboration with Professors. Tian Yang and Sung-Liang Chen, is a young-scientist winner in the biomedical field.
JI Prof. Hua Bao’s Team Reaps Fruitful Results on 2-D Material Thermal Conduction Research
JI Assistant Professor Hua Bao and his team ’s research results on 2-dimensional material thermal conductivity have been published recently by both Physical Review B and Applied Physics Letter.
JI Professor David Hung was named Distinguished Visiting Fellow by UK-RAE
JI Associate Professor David Hung has been selected by the United Kingdom’s Royal Academy of Engineering to receive a 2014-2015 Distinguished Visiting Fellowship.