



Chinese Courses:
* Brand Management Introduction (SJTU undergraduates, BU011)
* Brand Aesthetics and Management: Formula 1 and French Wines (SJTU undergraduates, BU013)
* Strategic Brand Management (ACEM junior/senior, BU013)
* Corporate Strategy Management (ACEM full-time academic master, F120511)
* Luxury Brand Management: From Design to Marketing (ACEM MBA)
* Luxury Company Innovation Management (ACEM EMBA)
Other luxury-related courses are offered in the following universities: Peking University, Tsinghua University, Nankai University, Shanghai International Studies University, East China Normal University, Wuhan University, Renmin University of China, Jilin University, University of International Business and Economics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sichuan University, Shenzhen University, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin University Of Electronic Technology, Chongqing Technology and Business University, and etc.
English Courses:
* Branding & Brand Management (JI undergraduates, VX251),
* (JI undergraduates)
* Luxury and Luxury Marketing (NYU-SH)
* Entrepreneurship Explored (NYU-SH)
* Luxury Brand Management (Ivey School EMBA, Canada),
* Doing Business in China (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; University of Leuven, Belgium)
Other luxury-related courses are offered in the following universities: Hautes Etudes Commerciales Paris (HEC) and Ross Business School.
Ivey Publishing Cases

Li, J., & Wang, S., China Eastern’s world-class dream: Shanghai-based globalization. 9B19A057, 2019-12-9.

Li, J., & Schaan, J. L. Red Star Macalline: Strategic Evolution, 9B17M086, 2017-6-8.

Li, J., & Schaan, J. L. Huayi Brothers: Strategic Transformation, 9B15M126, 2015-12-19.
Academic Monographs
The center has published over 20 influential books, including Innovation Management at Luxury Goods Companies: A Perspective from Business Ecosystem, Luxury Brands Management: Methods and Practice, Luxury Brand Management: Racing Car and French Wines, Luxury Brand Management: Haute Horlogèrie, Globalization Strategy of Chinese Firms: An Ecosystem based Perspective, Brand Aesthetics and Management, Manage Your Brand Strategically, Marketing Strategy, Brand Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Growth Strategy of Corporations, and etc.

[1] Li, Jie & Guo, Shuojia & Zhang, Jonathan & Sun, Liben. (2019). When others show off my brand: self-brand association and conspicuous consumption. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. ahead-of-print. 10.1108/APJML-04-2019-0225.
[2] 李杰. 中国企业的全球化竞争——基于生态系统理论视角[J]. 上海管理科学,2019(06): 1-11.
[3] 李杰, 孙立本. 论审美水准与社会地位不对称带来焦虑的问题研究[J]. 上海管理科学,2018(04): 76-82.
[4] Li, J., Liu, T., Zhou, X. Exposure to luxury brands reduces inter-brain synchronization across cooperative dyads: An fNIRS-based hyperscanning study. Interdisciplinary Symposium on Decision Neuroscience, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2018-5-31.
[5] 孙怡, 李杰*, Jonathan Zhang, 孙立本. (2017). 奢侈品市场中社会阶层与炫耀性消费的关系. 珞珈管理评论, 1:132-145
[6] 李杰, 肖怡清, 孙立本, & 孙怡. (2015). 中国经济体发展与奢侈品行业互动关系研究. 上海管理科学, 37(1): 21-29.
[7] 李杰, 孙立本, 陆雄杰, & 孙怡. (2014). 中国自主品牌的国际化路径探索——破解中国自主品牌“国内化陷阱”的方法与建议. 上海管理科学, 36(6): 55-59.
[8] Li, J., Yu, M., & Sun, L. The Construction and Measurement of Chinese Firms’ Brand Internationalization Image in The Era of Internet. 10th China Management Research Seminar, Hefei Province, 2015-11-8.
[9] Li, J. An Empirical Study on the Influence of Social Class on Chinese Consumers’ Preference for Mainstream and Niche Luxury Brands. Luojiashan International Marketing Summit, Wuhan University, 2015-3-28.
[10] Li, J., Sun, L., Lu, X., Sun, Y.. The Road Map of Chinese Native Brands on the World Stage, 16th EBES Conference Istanbul, Turkey, 2015-5-29.
[11] 李杰, 张毅. 品牌社群对品牌延伸评价的影响. (2013). 上海管理科学, 35(6): 16-19.
[12] Li, J. & Yu, X.. Research on the Factors Affecting the Consumer Evaluations of Luxury Brand Extension, Journal of Business Research – International Conference on Globalization and Marketing Strategy (The 8th Royal Bank International Research Seminar), Shanghai, 2012-9-22.
[13] 李杰, 余明阳, 王琦. 品牌竞争力综述. (2007). 上海交通大学学报, 41(6):1035-1044.
[14] Li, C., Guo, S., Cao, L., & Li, J. (2018). Digital enablement and its role in internal branding: a case study of HUANYI travel agency. Industrial Marketing Management, 72: 152-160.
[15] 刘建新, 李东进, 李杰. (2018). 价值共创产品依附效应的比较研究——基于心理所有权与心理流体验中介模型. 管理评论, (7): 114-125.
[16] Wang, L., Wang S., Keller, L. R., & Li, J. (2016), Thinking styles affect reactions to brand crisis apologies, European Journal of Marketing, 50 (7/8): 1263 – 1289.