
Faculty Type Search - CN

办公室 426
电话 +86-21-34206765 Ext. 4261
电子邮箱 wenjie.wan@sjtu.edu.cn
网站 https://sites.ji.sjtu.edu.cn/wjwan


Ph.D Electrical Engineering, Princeton University (2010)
B.E. Major–Electrical Engineering, Minor-Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Sci. and Tech. (2004)


2011 – pres. Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2010 – 2011 Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University, CT


  • 1000 plan (youth) fund (2012)
  • Pujiang Talent grant, Shanghai (2012)


  • Nanophotonics, Nonlinear optics, Plasmonics, Microscopy, Nanofabrication,
  • Quantum optics


  1. W.Wan, Y.D. Chong, L. Ge, H. Noh, A.D. Stone and H. Cao “Time-reversed lasing and control of absorption in a two-channel coherent perfect absorber” Science 331, 889 (2011).
  2. S. Auer, W. Wan, H. Cao, X. Huang, A. Ramirez “ Plasmonic resonance in Ag-Al alloy” Applied Physical Letters 99, 041116 (2011)
  3. W. Wan, D. Dmitry, C. Barsi, J.W. Fleischer” Diffraction from an edge in a self-focusing medium ” Optics Letters 35, 2819 (2010)
  4. W. Wan, S. Munzel, J.W. Fleischer” Wave tunneling and hysteresis in nonlinear junctions” Physical Review Letters 104, 073093(2010)
  5. C. Barsi, W. Wan, J.W. Fleischer ” Imaging through nonlinear media using digital holography ” Nature Photonics 3, 211-215 (2009)
  6. W. Wan, S. Jia, J.W. Fleischer” Dispersive superfluid-like shock waves in nonlinear optics”  Nature Physics 3, 46-51(2007)
  7. S. Jia, W. Wan, J.W. Fleischer “Dispersive Shock Waves in Nonlinear Arrays ” Physical Review Letters 99, 223901 (2007)
  8. S. Jia, W. Wan, J.W. Fleischer “Forward four-wave mixing with defocusing nonlinearity” Optics Letters 32, 1668–70 (2007)
  9. C. Barsi, W. Wan, C. Sun, J.W. Fleischer ” Dispersive shock waves with nonlocal nonlinearity” Optics Letters 32, 2930–2 (2007)


  • Time reversed wave mixing in nonlinear optics, Photonics West, 2013