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Ph.D. | Computer Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada (2020) |
M.Phil. | Innovative Technologies Leadership (Internet of Things), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK China (2015) |
B.E. | Electrical Engineering and Automation, Xi’an Jiao Tong University (2012) |
2020 – pres. | Assistant Professor, UM-SJTU Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. |
2018 – 2018. | Research Assistant, Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
- MITACS Globalink Research Award (2018)
- SFU CMPT Graduate Fellowship (2015, 2017, 2018)
- SFU FAS Graduate Fellowship (2017)
- SFU Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship (2016)
- XJTU Special Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship (2008)
- Cloud/edge Computing
- Multimedia Networking
- Distributed Machine Learning Systems
- Network Economics
Journal Articles:
- Wang, Y. Zhu, F. Wang, J. Liu, X. Ma, X. Fan. “Car4Pac: Last Mile Parcel Delivery through Intelligent Car Trip Sharing,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019.
- Zhu, Q. He, J. Liu, B. Li, Y. Hu. “When Crowd Meets Big Video Data: Cloud-Edge Collaborative Transcoding for Personal Livecast,” in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2018.
- Zhu, S. Fu, J. Liu, Y. Cui. “Truthful Online Auction Towards Maximized Instance Utilization in the Cloud,” in IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, 2018.
Conference Papers:
- Zhang, Y. Zhu, C. Zhang, J. Liu . “Video processing with serverless computing: a measurement study,” in ACM NOSSDAV, Amherst, MA, June 21, 2019.
- Wang, Y. Zhu, F. Wang, J. Liu. “Ridesharing as a Service: Exploring Crowdsourced Connected Vehicle Information for Intelligent Package Delivery,” in IEEE/ACM IWQoS, Banff, Canada, June 4-6, 2018.
- Zhu, J. Liu, Z. Wang, C. Zhang. “When Cloud Meets Uncertain Crowd: An Auction Approach for Crowdsourced Livecast Transcoding,” in ACM Multimedia, Mountain View, CA, October 23-27, 2017.
- Zhu, S. Fu, J. Liu, Y. Cui. “Truthful Online Auction for Cloud Instance Subletting,” in IEEE ICDCS, Atlanta, GA, June 5-8, 2017.
- Zhu, J. Jiang, B. Li, B. Li. “Rado: A Randomized Auction Approach for Data Offloading via D2D Communication,” in IEEE MASS, Dallas, Texas, October 19-22, 2015
- Reviewer for ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE E-Energy, ACM MMSys, IEEE ICDCS, ACM/IEEE IWQoS
- UM-SJTU JI: VG 101 Introduction to Computers and Programming
- UM-SJTU JI: VE 444 Networks