During the 15th JI board meeting held on May 8th, all board members of SJTU and University of Michigan voted unanimously for the proposal to establish the program of Materials Science and Engineering at JI. Detailed plan of the program will be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval, and official recruitment will start upon approval.

MSE english
The design of JI’s MSE program will conform to the standards of ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)on curriculum, teaching materials, teaching methods, and laboratory requirements. The program will be based on the successful experience of the School of MSE (SMSE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the standards of the MSE at University of Michigan, and JI’s unique educational model. It is certain that the MSE curriculum is not only compatible with JI’s current two majors of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering but also fully integrated with that of the UM College of Engineering (CoE). Consequently, JI students are provided with more options for academic pursuit and employment opportunity.
The addition of MSE at JI will promote interdisciplinary collaboration between JI faculty and those of other SJTU schools. The complementary cooperation between JI and SMSE will boost the latter’s development and promote exchange in undergraduate education, graduate education, research, and joint faculty appointment, which will elevate the academic level of both schools. At the same time, through collaboration between SJTU and UM,  taking advantage of UM’s advanced research and education in the field of MSE, SJTU can make a breakthrough in  developing nano functional materials and nonmetal materials, as well as in cultivating global  academic talents in MSE.
Supported by the world-class research and education systems of UM and SJTU, JI has become a successful model for international education collaboration and has trained outstanding engineering talents in China. The establishment of MSE at JI will strengthen and internationalize the SMSE program, promote education and research collaborations within SJTU beyond MSE, and serve as a model of SJTU-UM collaboration for other schools at SJTU.
Introduction of MSE:
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) is very important for the economic development of a country. It is the foundation of high-tech fields such as aeronautics, aerospace, information, and national defense.  MSE is one of China’s key disciplines, which aims to train high-level researchers and engineers specialized in preparation and processing of metals, inorganic non-metals, and polymer materials, and also in electronic packaging technologies. It is an interdisciplinary field based on materials science, chemistry, and physics. It can be applied to research on the composite, processing, structure, and function of materials.