JI Student Wins SJTU Tryout of U21 3MT Competition

JI Student Wins SJTU Tryout of U21 3MT Competition

The SJTU tryout for the 2014 International U21(Universitas 21)Three-minute Thesis Competition was held in the Minhang campus on September 25. A judge panel composed of Vice President Huang Zheng and Deans of several graduate schools has selected the winners who will...
2014 JI New Graduate Students Welcome Party Joyful and Memorable

2014 JI New Graduate Students Welcome Party Joyful and Memorable

With great anticipation the annual Joint Institute new graduate students welcome party was held on the 28th of September. At dusk the masses of students started gathering in the Boya Ballroom at Guangbiao Hall. When the arms of the clock hit 18:30, the party kicked...
Prof. Jun Zhang Wins SJTU Outstanding Teaching Award

Prof. Jun Zhang Wins SJTU Outstanding Teaching Award

The first SJTU Outstanding Teaching Award Ceremony was held at the JI Auditorium on September 15. President Zhang Jie attended and gave out the four prestigious awards, of which JI’s Prof. Jun Zhang is a winner. The “Outstanding Teaching Award” has been established to...
2014 JI New Student Convocation Shows JI’s International Color

2014 JI New Student Convocation Shows JI’s International Color

2014 JI New Student Convocation was held at Ruiqiou Chen auditorium on September 14. Dean Peisen Huang, Xinwan Li, Party Secretary and Associate Dean for Research, Gang Zheng, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, some faculty and staff, all freshmen and...
JI Welcomes New Students Wholeheartedly

JI Welcomes New Students Wholeheartedly

The registration for new SJTU students kicked off at the new gym in the Minhang campus on September 13. In the early morning,enthusiastic JI student volunteers in unique JI T shirts started guiding the new students by waving the giant JI flag, attracting the most...
A Letter to the Parents

A Letter to the Parents

亲爱的家长们, 我们欢迎您的孩子来到密西根学院(JI)。我对他们的优秀学术成绩表示祝贺。我们很高兴你们全家将加入密院的大家庭! 密西根学院是两所著名大学密切合作的成果。所有教师的录用标准与密西根大学等美国知名大学相同。学生将接受美国顶尖大学的教育。学院旨在培养未来的创新领导者,帮助学生实现他们的学术潜力,人格发展,培养专业技能,领导力,并致力于社会贡献。为了实现这一目标,我们需要你们的支持,因为你们最了解自己的孩子也是他们信赖的朋友。...