The results of the 2017 Mathematical Contest in Modeling/ Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) have been announced. Again, the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI) performed remarkably. Out of 40 teams, three teams won the Meritorious Award (first prize), 21 teams won the Honorable Mention(second prize), and 13 teams won the Successful Participation(third prize).

The MCM/ICM competition was launched in 1985 by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP). It is the only international mathematical modeling contest of its kind and regarded as the Olympic Game of mathematical modeling. It has become the most famous international collegiate contest and has been attracting increasingly more college contestants throughout the world.

The 2017 MCM/ICM was held online from January 19 to 23. Nearly 50, 000 students, including some from world renowned universities such as U.C. Berkeley, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University and Beijing University, participated in the contest. Each team selected a problem and solved it within 96 hours. Contestants would build a mathematical model and write a paper describing the problem, hypothesis, mathematical model construction, software, testing, improvement, strengths, weaknesses and applications of the model.

Since 2012, more and more teams from JI’s Innovation Club have participated in the contests and have recorded outstanding performances. So far, JI students have won a total of 20 first prizes and 58 second prizes.