The 2012 JI scholarship award ceremony was held in Jingjing Hall on November 12. SJTU’s Jian Zhu, Secretary General of the Student Guidance Commission, Xin Zhao, Secretary of Youth League, and Lizhou Shen, Deputy Secretary of Youth League, JI’s Peishen Huang, Associate Dean of Education, and Scott Yang, Academic Affairs Manager, attended the ceremony.

For the first time, JI gave out the highly coveted “Covidien Scholarship,”which covers up to 4 years of full tuition for any freshman who ranked the top 30 in the provincial college entrance exams. The winners this year are Haobo Zhao from Tianjin, Yuening Zhang from Shanghai, and Xiaowen Zhang from Sichuan.

Besides the Covedien Scholarship, 12 freshmen won the Freshmen Scholarships for ranking the top 5% of SJTU‘s incoming students in the provincial college entrance exams. Twenty sophomores and juniors renewed the scholarships this year. In addition, Dean’s Awards,Distinguished Student Member of Communisty Party,and various awards for excellence in academics, leadership, organization skill, and creativity were also presented.