Prof. Jun Zhang speaking
The first session of the JI Spring Technology Salon sponsored by the Student Branch of the Communist Party and cosponsored by JI Student Innovation Club was held on April 7, kicking off a series of seminars and activities to elevate students’ academic level, broaden their technology horizon, and strengthen their capability of innovation. Professors Jun Zhang and David Hung were invited to speak about JI’s two majors, Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Mechanical Engineering (ME) respectively. Michael Chen and Si Chen, Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Party Student Branch attended with some freshmen.

Prof. David Hung speaking
The purpose of this first session is to help freshmen choose a major. Each of the two teachers described the characteristics of his major, employment outlook, and future development of the discipline so that students can be informed and guided to make a right decision. The two professors further gave details about their research and invited students to participate in their research projects. Students were very interested and asked many questions about the research topics as well as advice on choosing a major.
It is reported that in the upcoming sessions of the Technology Salon, Profs. Wenjie Wan and Hua Bao will share their research topics. In addition, JI Innovation Club will sponsor a forum for members to exchange ideas about their innovation projects.
Photos by Yuzhou Zhuang