The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) Centre for Entrepreneurship (CFE) Director Professor Pradeep Ray has led the publication of “Technology Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development”, a multi-disciplinary book involving more than 38 authors from 10 countries in 5 continents.

The book with contributors including 10 JI CFE members was published recently ( ). Co-editors of the book include JI Professor Pradeep Ray and Professor Rajib Shaw of Keio University, Japan.

The two-part book focusing on Asia starts with a discussion on technology entrepreneurship in education and well-being, including applicability of business model canvas, global entrepreneurship sustainability, sustainability education, experiential and practicum-oriented education, technology entrepreneurship for STEAM education and donation, and mobile technologies for health. The second part discusses the role of entrepreneurship in climate, environment and disaster management related issues, such as water salinity, water supply, wildfire risk management, vulnerable population, multistakeholder collaboration.