The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) held its annual All International Students Meeting at CIMC Auditorium of Long Bin Building on September 7, for the purposes of announcing the establishment of the new international student association team and opening an in-depth dialogue with JI leaders and administration offices for international students.

JI Acting Dean Ming Yang presented the newly-designed flag of the JI International Student Association (ISA) to the newly-elected ISA Vice President Jovan Yap, after the new President Seungyeon Yang greeted the audience and introduced the new members via videoconference. Yang is currently in Singapore attending the Study Away program for one semester.

Managers of administration offices take questions from international students.

Question and Answer session was held afterwards, during which students raised questions on topics including course studies, career development and international programs. The questions were answered by JI leaders and managers of relevant offices.

JI pays high attention to questions raised by students and places serious consideration on the difficulties of online learning faced by international students during the pandemic period. Utmost efforts will be spent to provide support for the students to solve their difficulties, said Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education Gang Zheng.

Assistant to Dean Chong Wang said he was glad to see the growing number of international students over the last few years and their active involvement in the cultural development and management of JI. He hopes more students will be able to get back to campus and have face-to-face meetings in the future.

In his closing speech, Ming Yang said JI welcomes all questions and suggestions from international students and puts their feedback into careful consideration. Communication with communities of international students will be continuously strengthened. He looks forward to the end of the pandemic and meeting the students in person on the campus soon.

Group photos of online and offline attendees