The University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) held Donation Ceremony of SJTU Everflow Fund & Opening Ceremony of JI Student Leadership Program on November 6, signaling the kickoff of the leadership program supported by the newly-established fund.

In his congratulatory speech to the opening ceremony, Acting Dean Ming Yang said JI has been abiding by the student-centered education philosophy of “Internationalization, Interdisciplinarity, Innovation, and Quality”, with the purpose of fostering future innovative leaders with a global vision. It has cultivated numerous outstanding talents who can meet the development of the times and the future needs of the world. Students of the leadership program should have international visions and patriotic feelings, while sharpening their skills, broadening their minds and improving their practical abilities. The students are expected to be able to solve problems and overcome challenges in the process of lifelong learning, build up first-class aspirations, temper first-class conduct and nurture first-class talents, he said.

JI 2012 alumnus, Chairman of the JI Alumni Association (JIAA), Vice President and Chief Data Officer of Foxconn Industrial Internet Zongchang Liu recounted the growth and the improvement of his leadership skills during his study at JI. Liu said the student leadership program established on the 10th anniversary of his graduation is of great significance to him. “I’m not necessarily the successful one, but I will certainly contribute to the success of the cause.” He hoped students could explore what leadership is and how to cultivate it through the training platform.

JI Executive Director Scott Yang presented an appointment plaque of Honorary Class Advisor  to Zongchang Liu

Deputy Secretary of SJTU Youth League Committee Linyan Zhou said the university has a good tradition, especially in the cultivation of student leadership skills. As an important part of the SJTU student leadership training framework, the JI program is expected to be built into a high-quality and productive student leadership training program, from which more outstanding alumni like Zongchang Liu will emerge and grow into leaders who dare to think, act and obtain great achievements.

Aotian Yu, a 2020 JI undergraduate and a student trainee of the program, said JI as a model and benchmark of international education attaches great importance to the cultivation of student leadership skills, and has cultivated numerous talents with excellent leadership abilities. Students partaking in the program should cherish this opportunity to improve their leadership, forge high-quality advantages and make contribution to the country and the world.

Zongchang Liu and Ming Yang present Distinguished Leadership Award to students

In his concluding speech, SJTU Vice President Ansheng Zhang said JI has been dedicated to fostering innovative leaders with a global vision since its establishment, and has cultivated more than 3,800 outstanding alumni. Students of the program should cherish this opportunity, keep learning and live up to the valuable days of youth. They should also learn to achieve mutual understanding, increase knowledge and explore the unknown through communication. Constant practicing is also needed to obtain achievements and personal growth, he said.

SJTU Publicity Department Deputy Head Hao Zhang gives a lecture on the 20th CPC National Congress

Group photo of event attendees