The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) Teaching Professor Pradeep Ray and Associate Teaching Professor Soong-Chul Ro have published a landmark book showcasing the role of mobile technologies in healthcare for developing countries, in collaboration with over 50 authors from 13 countries.

The book titled Mobile Technologies for Delivering Healthcare in Remote, Rural or Developing Regions was published in 2020 by the reputed IET (erstwhile Institute of Engineering and Technology) Press of London ( Co-editors of the book include Professor Naoki Nakashima of Kyushu University Hospital, Associate Professor Ashir Ahmed of Kyushu University, and Dr. Yasuhiro Soshino of Redcross Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan.

Summarizing the achievements of an international multidisciplinary collaborative project called mHealth (Healthcare using mobile technologies) for the Belt and Road Region (mHBR), the five-part book examines both technological and entrepreneurial aspects of mHealth technologies with an emphasis on the transforming nature of the socially-oriented technologies. The multidisciplinary nature of the book is expected to be of interest to a wide range of readers including engineers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and practitioners.

The mHBR project was launched at the first Entrepreneurship Week event in September 2018. The international event hosted by the JI’s Center for Entrepreneurship (CFE) in Shanghai was participated by 115 people from 15 countries.