Two post-doctoral scholars of the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) have guest-edited Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science) Special Issue on Intelligent Connected Vehicle. The publication hiring JI postdocs, Hanyang Zhuang and Yeqiang Qian, as guest editors was officially published online recently.

Cover of the SJTU journal

Intelligent Connected Vehicle (ICV) is a representative interdisciplinary application, including vehicle engineering, artificial intelligence, mechanical system, electronic system, automation and control, communication. ICV serves as a key carrier of China’s national strategy of building strength in transportation and a pillar to support the development of the country. Preparation for the special issue of SJTU journal aiming at promoting research on the future technology was kicked off in 2020.  Twenty papers contributed by researchers from seven universities and enterprises  were finally selected to the journal after a stringent process of evaluation and editing.

Letter of appointment for the two postdocs from the SJTU journal

“Being a guest editor of the journal is truly a meaningful experience as it enables me to have a deeper understanding on the operational procedures of a science journal and build up good contacts with many scholars and experts in the same areas of interest. This papers collected by the journal’s special issue reflect the latest research findings on areas such as smart connected vehicles, perceptual fusion and artificial intelligence, as well as exploration of the frontier scientific and technological innovations,” said Hanyang Zhuang.

“We are grateful for the contributions offered by the authors, reviewers, editors, as well as the great supports from JI and the Innovation Center of Intelligent Connected Vehicle of SJTU. The professional attitulde and passion of all makes the special journal a success. It is our hope that this special issue will make impacts on inspiring more original and innovative research works,” said Yeqiang Qian.

Personal Profile

Dr. Hanyang Zhuang is currently a postdoctoral fellow of Professor Ming Yang’s research team at JI. His research interests include intelligent connected vehicle and V2X fields. During the postdoctoral period, he received fund support  from the Shanghai government and an award of SJTU Morning Star Postdoc.

Dr. Yeqiang Qian is currently a postdoctoral fellow of Professor Ming Yang’s research team at JI. His research interests include perception technology in autonomous driving. So far, he has published more than 20 academic papers in journals such as TITS, TMM, and TIP. During the postdoctoral period, he received support from the Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Incentive and Funding Program, the Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China.