The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) student-led teams delivered outstanding performance in the 2022 Mathematical Contest in Modeling/ Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM), clinching awards including three Finalist, one Meritorious Winner, 11 Honorable Mention, and 9 Successful Participant for SJTU, according to the results announced by the organizer recently.

The MCM/ICM competition was launched in 1985 by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP). It is the only international mathematical modeling contest of its kind and regarded as the Olympic Game of mathematical modeling attracting worldwide contestants from renowned universities every year. A total of 27,205 teams from 22 countries and regions participated in the contest this year.

Award certificates claimed by JI students

Finalist winner, JI sophomore Ruiying He attributes the excellent results to sufficient pre-contest preparation and strong teamwork of students. “We started to prepare for the competition one month in advance. During the competition, it is truly very important that team members communicate with each other and work together to deliver a good essay,” she said.

JI students sponsored by JI’s Technology and Innovation Association started to attend the MCM/ICM competition in 2012.  So far, JI students have won a total of two Grand Winner, three Finalist, 26 Meritorious Winner, 64 Honorable Mention awards.