The University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) students played a crucial role in recent victories of the SJTU basketball teams at the 17th Shanghai Sports Games.  SJTU Sunshine Men’s Basketball Team and SJTU Sunshine Women’s Basketball Team, each with two key players from JI, won the championships of the College Class A category by defeating opponents from other universities or colleges in the city of Shanghai.

SJTU men’s and women’s teams take group photos after winning the championships

JI undergraduate students Wenjun Su and Lingyu Qi helped the SJTU men’s team secure a 64:63 win over Shanghai University in the championship game, leading the team to a seventh consecutive win at the competition. The two students majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering were both enrolled at JI in 2020. Forward Su also served as the captain of the JI Men’s Basketball Team, while Guard Qi was a winner of the SJTU Campus Singer Contest.

JI undergraduate freshman Yerui Huang and Yixing Fan, a third-year graduate student, helped the SJTU women’s team to win all the Group stage matches and defeat Shanghai University of Sport with 82:65 in the final. Fan serves as Captain and Center while Huang serves as Guard for the team.

Wenju Su plays for SJTU men’s team as Forward.

Lingyu Qi plays for SJTU men’s team as Guard.

SJTU women’s team Captain and Center Yixing Fan

SJTU women’s team Guard Yerui Huang