The University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) is expected to receive stronger support from UM as the university continues to expand its cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region partners including SJTU.

On occasion of the UM 2023 Pan-Asia Alumni Reunion event held in Singapore during May 12-13, UM President Santa Ono said in his welcoming speech that the university attaches great importance to JI co-established by UM and SJTU, “That’s the kind of relationship that we must build. Great universities have to work together, build bridges for a better society.” Ono expressed his pride in the longstanding and fruitful cooperation between the two universities and extended a warm welcome to the JI students studying at the Ann Arbor campus. He also expressed great anticipation for his visit to SJTU in the near future.

UM President Santa Ono delivers a speech during the UM Pan-Asia Alumni Reunion event

More than 350 people attended the UM alumni event, including a JI delegation led by Dean Chien-Pin Chen.  The JI leaders also had a separate in-person meeting with the UM president to explore strategies to bolster the long-term development of the joint institute. In addition to expanding and strengthening existing collaborations, such as dual-degree programs, the Global Degree Pathway programs, and short-term study abroad programs, both parties also delved into plans for enriching student experiences, fostering extensive professional partnerships, collectively nurturing talents that align with contemporary global demands, and investigating potential collaborations for addressing global issues effectively.

JI leaders meet with UM president (From left to right: Chien-Pin Chen, David Hung, Santa Ono, John Wu and Jane Sun)

During the trip, the JI delegation engaged in extensive exchanges with leaders, professors, and alumni from the UM College of Engineering, School of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Ross School of Business. They also visited Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore, and had meetings with some JI and SJTU alumni who are currently based in Singapore.