The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) kicked off the first of its event series on faculty development with a workshop themed “enhancing faculty service and visibility in professional associations” on September 27. The workshop jointly organized by JI Human Resources Office and Center for Learning and Teaching (CLT) was held at the Faculty & Staff Club of the Long Bin Building. More than 30 faculty members attended the event exploring a solution in the post-pandemic era to foster their professional development.
David Hung introduces upcoming faculty development events
Mo-Yuen Chow shares personal experience of professional association IEEE
Ting Sun makes an introduction of CLT
During the workshop, JI Associate Dean for Academic Affairs David Hung introduced three upcoming faculty development events aimed at boosting academic influence and career progression. Professor Mo-Yuen Chow shared his personal journey from being an IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) member to attaining the status of Fellow, encouraging younger faculty members to participate in professional associations. CLT Director Ting Sun underscored the center’s role and encouraged faculty members to participate in activities of professional associations for career development and to support their teaching efforts at the joint institute.
Participating in professional associations is one of the effective pathways to enhance the academic influence of faculty members as international influence is a crucial indicator of their professional development. At present, nearly half of the JI faculty members are involved in 29 professional associations, with seven holding fellow status in international associations, including IEEE, ASME, SAE, IET, and AIDH.
JI has stepped up its efforts since 2023 to increase its investment in faculty development, including funding for association participation and specialized training for new faculty members. Future plans also include hosting sessions with professional association fellows to share insights and experiences.
The JI faculty development event series initiated by Professor David Hung is organized by the human resources office for the purpose of providing an open platform for academic exchange by integrating the existing faculty resources. Regular workshops, academic exchanges, lectures, and other activities will be held to assist and inspire faculty members in their professional growth.