The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) undergraduate student Kantaphat Leelakunwet has been selected as one of the 2023 SJTU Elites for International Students in a grand final appraisal and awarding ceremony held at the SJTU Center for Academic Activities. Out of 12 candidates, five were announced as winners.

Kantaphat Leelakunwet (Second from the left) receives the award with four other winners.

As a junior student majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kantaphat Leelakunwet’s exceptional academic achievements led to him being awarded the First Prize of the Shanghai Municipal Government Scholarship and the 2023 JI John Wu and Jane Sun Excellence Scholarship. In his role as the president of the JI International Student Association, the Thai student has actively organized and participated in cross-cultural exchange activities between Chinese and international students.

“JI has provided me with opportunities to delve into research and academia. The institute caters to all my needs for the development of my personal academic career, fostering a continuous sense of curiosity and an active pursuit of new knowledge. Through my efforts, I hope to contribute to fostering friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and Thailand. I also aspire to apply the knowledge and experience gained in China to contribute to the progress and development of my homeland,” said Leelakunwet.