Scholarship Winners
Chin Leon Chung, from Malaysia
Class of 2023
Mechanical Engineering
Second-Class Scholarship

As a scholarship student in JI, I felt that receiving the scholarship is a sign of JI’s assurance in my ability. This feeling helped strengthen my confidence and prompted me to study even more. One of the most memorable experiences during my first year in JI was the time I received my first allowance from JI. I realized that this wasn’t any ordinary allowance from my parents, this allowance that I received was the result of my hard work and JI’s assurance on me. I was happy and excited, but I also felt a responsibility to work harder for my future. It was then I noticed the importance of working towards a goal and earning something important.
Studying in JI is difficult for me as a freshman, mainly because of cultural differences and intense courses. However, the scholarship and environment provided by JI help me in overcoming these challenges and they always turn out to be a rewarding experience.