Tang Junyuan Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
Tang Jun Yuan Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center is committed to training students’ innovation skills and providing innovative entrepreneurship education through both the Minor in Entrepreneurship and international research projects. The administration team is responsible for the hardware and software planning, construction, operation, maintenance of the center. Our scope of work also includes giving resources support to the innovation course like VG100, Capstone, Design Expo and so on, building the technical support platform for university and company corporation, as well as undertaking the non-main business innovation requirement from technology companies. The center also work closely with industry partners to enable sustainable entrepreneurial development at both a local and international scale.

Chengbin Ma Director Office 420 Tel +86-21-54741175 Email chbma@sjtu.edu.cn Chong Wang Acting Director Office 400G Tel +86-21-34206765 转 4007 Email chongwang@sjtu.edu.cn Jianrong Xiao Service Specialist Office 104/106 Tel +86-21-34206045 Email jianrong.xiao@sjtu.edu.cn Mingjian Li Engineer Office 111 Tel +86-21-34206045 Ext. 3101 Email mingjian.li@sjtu.edu.cn Maggie Hu Service Specialist Office 223 Tel +86-21-34206765 Email maggie.hu@sjtu.edu.cn Qiujian Li Student Counselor Office 316 Tel +86-21-3420-6045 Ext.3161 Email liqiujian@sjtu.edu.cn Ziyi Wang Assistant Student Counselor Office Tel 3420-6045 Ext.3161 Email ziyi.wang@sjtu.edu.cn