University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute International Student Association (UM-SJTU JI ISA), is the main student organization at the college level under the guidance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute. It is a bridge and link for the college to unite international students. UM-SJTU JI ISA is committed to promoting the friendship and cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign students, leading the cultural construction of international campus, enhancing the sense of belonging and identity of international students.


Seungyeon Yang

  • Nationality: South Korea
  • ECE Junior
  • WeChat: serie_chengyan
  • E-mail:
Introduction (Responsibilities and Plans)
As the president of ISA, my goal this year is to improve communication between us and promote JI more to our international communities as the situation is getting better worldwide. For all students who are new to Shanghai and JI, we want to provide the best resources to adapt well and enjoy your campus life. This ISA will try its best to construct a new, well-organized community in JI. Moreover, we plan to launch more events and activities so that the international students can share their culture and meet our domestic peers. For any questions or suggestions, contact me via email, Feishu, etc.


Vice President

Pauline Wang

  • Nationality: Canadian
  • MSE Junior
  • WeChat: pauleanorline
  • Email:
It is a great honor to be a member of ISA, and I stand humble and committed to taking on the work of ISA, along with every international student. I will hold external affairs and activities to unite international students. I will do everything I can to help every student to enjoy their campus life better. Alone we can do so little, and together we can do so much. For any suggestions, please contact me via email or WeChat.

Vice President

Jovan Yap

  • Nationality: Singaporean
  • ECE Sophomore
  • Wechat: Jovan_Yap21
  • Email:
As the Vice-president, I aim to create a bonded JI family and improve the lives and welfare of international students. My job scope mainly focuses on internal affairs such as planning events for international students and looking after the welfare of international students. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any queries or feedback!


Kantaphat Leelakunwet

  • Nationality: Thailand
  • ECE Sophomore
  • WeChat: kantaphatjinyuan
  • Email:
I will be assisting the vice president with internal affairs and activities as one of the ministers in ISA. Moreover, I will also provide some advice or answers to questions from freshmen based on my experience. You can reach me on WeChat or Feishu if you have any questions.


Sofia Velasquez Shum

  • Nationality: Costa Rica
  • ECE Sophomore
  • WeChat: lilivshum
  • Email:
As one of the Ministers of ISA, I am in charge of producing informational material regarding activities, exchange programs and events targeted towards international students. This includes writing articles, taking photos and filming videos to promote and inform the variety of unique programs and experiences available. You can contact me through any of the mediums provided, and make sure to enjoy your time here at JI!