Sci-Tech Innovation

The 11th SJTU Mechanical Innovation Competition for Freshmen: “Walking in the Sand”.

SJTU Mechanical Innovation Competition for Freshmen is the competition held by UM-SJTU Joint Institute and School of Mechanical Engineering, which has been held more than 10 years. This competition is aimed to foster students’ creative thinking, develop their ability to solve problems and enrich their experience on working as a team.

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2018 Gomoku AI Competition: Opening Ceremony and Rules Introduction

Gomoku AI Competition was first held by JI-SSTIA in 2017. This competition is designed to involve students form JI to take part in the online contest, where students can upload their AIs and play Gomoku with other AIs. The competition lasts for a whole year, and has a collaboration with course VG101: Intro to Computers & Programming.

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2019 Arduino Workshop: Students learn programming in practice.

JI-SSTIA holds workshop nearly once a month, and welcomes students from JI to join in. The theme of workshop ranges from net scrawing, machine learning, genetic algorithm, network security, to Solidworks design, Arduino, Unity, etc. These workshops are held to help students frequently share the knowledge from different areas.

2020 JI Science Publication: Original Articles from SSTIA members

JI Science is the regular series in the official account of SSTIA on Wechat. JI Science is updated around twice a month by SSTIA members. Fields involved have really a great variety, for example, artificial intelligence, game design, astronomy, hardware of smart phone, 5G, principle of computer, etc. , which are highly favored.

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