Courses Detail Information

VE650 – Coding Theory



Credits: 3 credits

Pre-requisites: Communications or Wireless Communications


The course will cover the main stream of channel coding, including its theories, technologies and implementation, for modern wireless communications systems. At first, we will brief the basic of relevant information theory and coding theory. The lecture will then detail the foremost coding technologies adopted by WiFi, Bluetooth and Long term evolution (LTE) systems, which includes block coding, convolutional coding, trellis-coding, space-time coding, turbo coding and low density parity check (LDPC) coding. The objective of the course is to help students grasp the fundamentals as well as the state-of-the-art of channel coding technologies for contemporary and future wireless communications systems.

Course Topics:

a. Basic of information theory and coding theory

b. Linear Block Codes

c. Convolutional Codes, Reed-Solomon Codes

d. Trellis-coding and Space-time coding

e. LDPC codes and iterative decoding

f. A Project: Implementation of coding schemes adopted by wifi/LTE upon SDR platforms.