Courses Detail Information
MSE6801J – Selected Topics in Nanotechnology
Credits: 3 credits
Pre-requisites: Graduate Standing
Selected topics is nanotechnology is a course designed for graduate students with interest in research areas related to nanotechnology or for those students who wish to gain knowledge and insight about the field. By its nature, nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field, building on latest progress especially in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Biology, and Engineering. The ability of cross-disciplinary communication is crucial to achieve progress in the field. Nanotechnology represents one of the fastest growing fields in Science and Technology. Applications of nanotechnology range widely from advanced electronics to energy storage and conversion to biomedical devices.
There are no formal course pre-requisites for this course, but the students should have basic knowledge of chemistry and physics of materials. The physical behavior at the nanometer scale is governed by laws of quantum mechanics, however, in this course the focus is on the applications and processing/manufacturing methods rather that the governing equations.
The course starts off with a general introduction to nanotechnology, its history, trend, research directions and so on. Principles of electron microscopy as the main characterization tool in nano-features will be covered. Various fabrication methods of nanoparticles, thin films, bulk nano-structured materials and nano-features, nanotubes and patterns as well advanced properties of nanomaterials will be discussed. Other issues such as environmental concerns, some engineering applications of nanotechnology such as nanofluids, thin film solar cells, fuel cells, and other thin film devices will be introduced.
Course Topics:
Introduction to nanotechnology
Synthesis methods of nanoparticles (liquid phase)
Synthesis methods of nanoparticles (gas phase)
Synthesis methods of thin films (physical methods)
Synthesis methods of thin films (chemical methods)
Synthesis of nanotubes and nanowires
Nanolithography and self-assembly
Synthesis and properties of bulk nanomaterials
Electron and probe microscopy
Nanofluids- Thin film solar cells
Fuel cells, batteries-Thin film devices
Other applications-Nano risks