Courses Detail Information

ECE6307J – Fiber Optics and Biomedical Optics


Jigang Wu

Credits: 3 credits

Pre-requisites: VE334 (Principles of Optics)


This course covers the basics of fibers and applications including light propagation, dispersion and loss, fiber technologies, nonlinearities in fibers, applications in communication and in biomedicine. This course also provides students with an understanding of current research in biomedical optics, including fundamental theoretical principles of tissue optics, computational approaches to light transport in tissues, biomedical optical imaging modalities.

Course Topics:

Light propagation in fibers with ray optics
Light propagation in fibers with wave optics
Chromatic dispersion
Polarization mode dispersion
Loss in fiber
Manufacturing of fiber
Measurements in fiber
Components for fiber technology
Components for fiber technology
Nonlinear process in fiber
Nonlinear wave equation
Stimulated scatterings
Midterm exam
Fibers communication basics
Fiber-optic sensor
Introduction to biomedical optical imaging
Light transport in biological tissue
0ptical microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy
Fluorescence methods
Super-resolution microscopy
Principle of optical coherence tomography(0CT)
Variations in 0CT