Courses Detail Information

ENGR6003J – Graduate Thesis Writing


Credits: 1 credit

Pre-requisites: Successful completion of VG502


VG503 is a Technical Communications course that functions as a workshop to guide students as they
write their theses and dissertations. VG503 offers practical feedback on how to structure and edit a
thesis, while carefully reporting data precisely and accurately. Students integrate a variety of
theoretical and empirical sources with an appropriate academic tone and style. This course also gives
students practice presenting and defending their research orally.

Course Topics:

Course Introduction
Overview of the JI Thesis Template and Requirements
Looking at Student Goals and Defining Research Projects
Developing Argument and Reasoning of Projects
Constructing a Convincing Narrative within Argument
Oral Presentation Skills
Effective Visuals for Scientific Presentations
Reporting Data Precisely and Accurately
Ethical Concerns in Reporting Data
Editing for Proper Academic Tone and Style
Editing for an Engaging and Thorough Argument
Incorporating Theoretical and Empirical Sources
Review of Paraphrasing, Summary, and Appropriate Register
Oral Presentations: Defense Practice
Peer Reviews of Dissertations
Peer Reviews of Oral Presentations