Courses Detail Information

ME6203JH – Turbulence


Lipo Wang

Credits: 3 credits

Pre-requisites: Fluid mechanics


This is a graduate course listed in SJTU’s Honors Program, aiming to offer the SJTU graduate students an advanced and high-quality course to know the fundamentals of turbulence. Through the study of this course, students are expected to understand the basic theories in quantifying the kinematic and dynamic properties of turbulent flows. Important results include the energy budget, structure function and Karman-Horworth equation, Komolgorov hypotheses and dimensional analyses, similarity solution, turbulent boundary layer structure. Moreover, some representative turbulence models and simulation methods are also presented and discussed

Course Topics:

The nature of turbulence: turbulence physics
Phenomenological description of turbulence
Methods of analysis: dimensional analysis, local invariance
Reynolds decomposition, ensample average
Kinetic description of gases
Mathematical description, Karman-Harwarth equation
Energy cascade: scales in turbulence
Kolmogorov hypothesis I
Kolmogorov hypothesis II
Flow dynamics and vorticity dynamics based on governing equations
Biot-Savart law: derivation and analysis
Free shear turbulence: governing equations
Modeling ideas, self-similarity
Budget analysis
Wall turbulence: governing equation
Wall turbulence: mean profiles, Reynolds stress
Wall turbulence: length scales
Wall turbulence: turbulent boundary layer structure and the thickness evolution
Introduction of turbulence models and DNS (direct numerical simulation): DNS
Introduction of turbulence models and DNS (direct numerical simulation): large eddy simulation
Introduction of turbulence models and DNS (direct numerical simulation): dynamic sub-grid models
Special topic 3: Markov process
Specific topic: intermittency: theory and models I
Specific topic: intermittency: theory and models II