Courses Detail Information

ECE6302J – Electromagnetic Theory I


Sung-Liang Chen

Credits: 3 credits

Pre-requisites: VE230


Maxwell’s equations, constitutive relations and boundary conditions. Potentials and the representation of electromagnetic fields. Uniqueness, duality, equivalence, reciprocity and Babinet’s theorems. Plane, cylindrical, and spherical waves, Dyadic Green’s function. Waveguides and elementary antennas.

Course Topics:

The Field EquationsIntegral form of Maxwell’s equations and time-varying surfacesConstitutive Relations: Macroscopic Properties of MatterBoundary ConditionsGeneralized CoordinatesEquivalent Magnetic Charge and Current
Flow of EnergyThe Electromagnetic PotentialsRadiated Field from an Infinitesimal Current ElementTime-Harmonic Electromagnetic WavesFormal Solution of Helmholtz EquationSolution of Helmholtz Equation for a Complex MediumPlane-Wave Propagation in Homogeneous Media
Dielectric Coated ConductorModal Expansion of Field QuantitiesWave Functions in Cylindrical Coordinate SystemScattering From a etallic Circular CylinderWave Functions in Spherical Coordinate SystemBabinet’s Principle, Plasma