Courses Detail Information

ME6107J – Non-Linear Fracture Mechanics


Credits: 3 credits

Pre-requisites: Vm 311 Strength of Materials, v256 Applied Calculus IV


Develop a deeper understanding of the basic principles in fracture mechanics.
Promote economic thinking to obtain first-order solutions of complex problems.
At the end of course the students will have fundamental understanding of the following:
1) Introduction to the mechanics of fracture of brittle and ductile materials.
2) Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM);
3) elastic-plastic fracture (EPFM)
4) fracture testing methods;
5) numerical methods (Fracs2D);
6) fatigue fracture.

Course Topics:

Introduction, class policy, historical prospective.

Review of basic concept of Elasticity and linear algebra.

Atomic scale concepts/Griffith energy criterion

Energy release rate/ R and driving force curves

Stress analysis/crack tip plasticity

Mixed mode fracture/crack tip opening displacement

Non-Linear fracture mechanics (CTOD – crack tip opening displacement/J counter integral)

J controlled fracture/Dynamic fracture

Elasto-plastic testing methods/Dynamic testing

Experimental Fracture testing methods

Dynamic cracking

Introduction to Fractography and failure analysis.

Numerical methods (guest lecturer Prof. Shen Yongxing)

Advanced topics and group projects presentations
