Minor in Global China Studies

JI offers a minor in Global China Studies to help students understand China from a global perspective, as well as to understand China’s role in the global world.

This minor will include two tracks: one for international students and one for domestic students. A minimum of 16 credits of courses are required for non-native Chinese speakers, and a minimum of 14 credits of courses for native Chinese speakers.

Track one: for non-native Chinese speakers (16 credits)

Core (required) Course (3 credits):

VR281 (HIS2810J). Introduction to China Studies (3 credits)

Chinese Language (Up to 6 credits)

Up to 6 credits in Chinese language (up to 2 credits in level 1 or level 2).  Shortage of credits in Chinese language could be made up by credits in elective courses.

At least 7 credits of Elective courses in Chinese Culture selected from the following list

• VR102 (HIS1020J). Chinese History in Global Perspective. (3 credits)

• VR203 (HIS2030J). Food in Modern East Asian History. (4 credits)

• VR206 (HIS2060J). China in the Early Modern World. (4 credits)

• VR265 (PHIL2650J). Introduction to Chinese Philosophy: Understanding Contemporary through Ancient China. (3 credits)

• VR258 (HIS2580J). The History of Modern China’s Foreign Relations. (4 credits)

• VR259 (HIS2590J). Memory: A New Approach to China’s 20th Century History. (4 credits)

• HIS2591J.  20th Century China: History and Memory. (3 credits)

• VR280 (CHN2800J). Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature. (3 credits)

• VR293 (ENGL2330J).  Chinese American Literature. (3 credits)

• HIS1010J.  Field Study in Chinese History (Winter Program). (2 credits)

• MUSI1500J Introduction to Chinese Music (2 credits)

• POL2610J China’s Regional Diplomacy (2 credits) 

• POL3610J Chinese Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Making (3 credits)

The credits of POL2610J and POL3610J cannot be counted  towards graduation nor minor declaration at the same time.

More courses may be added to this list with prior approval



Track two: for native Chinese speakers (14 credits)

Core (required) Course (3 credits):

VR281 (HIS2810J). Introduction to China Studies (3 credits)

At least 11 credits of Elective courses in Chinese Culture selected from the following list, up to 4 credits could be taken from other schools at SJTU (with the permission of the minor program advisor):

• VR102 (HIS1020J). Chinese History in Global Perspective. (3 credits)

• VR203 (HIS2030J). Food in Modern East Asian History. (4 credits)

• VR206 (HIS2060J). China in the Early Modern World. (4 credits)

• VR265 (PHIL2650J). Introduction to Chinese Philosophy: Understanding Contemporary through Ancient China. (3 credits)

• VR258 (HIS2580J). The History of Modern China’s Foreign Relations. (4 credits)

• VR259 (HIS2590J). Memory: A New Approach to China’s 20th Century History. (4 credits)

• HIS2591J.  20th Century China: History and Memory. (3 credits)

• VR280 (CHN2800J). Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature. (3 credits)

• VR293 (ENGL2330J).  Chinese American Literature. (3 credits)

• HIS1010J.  Field Study in Chinese History (Winter Program). (2 credits)

• MUSI1500J Introduction to Chinese Music (2 credits)

• POL2610J China’s Regional Diplomacy (2 credits) 

• POL3610J Chinese Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Making (3 credits)

The credits of POL2610J and POL3610J cannot be counted towards graduation nor minor declaration at the same time.

More courses may be added to this list with prior approval


– Sophomore standing and above
– Having declared a major
– In good academic standing

If planned well in advance of the senior year, the program should not add to the credits required for a bachelor’s degree at JI. A student should receive a grade of C or better for all the courses required for the minor. The Minor in Global China Studies should be declared before graduation. Transfer credits are acceptable for the Elective courses. No credits may be used to satisfy the requirements of more than one minor. No credits may be double counted for a minor and an undergraduate research certificate.

The list of elective courses is maintained by the Undergraduate Education Office. Relevant courses from other schools of SJTU could satisfy elective course requirement upon the approval of the minor program advisor.